
Sputnik Magazine | Spring 2013

Issue link: http://e-delivery.uberflip.com/i/116068

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WTF? (what the font) The quick brown fudge! Hey, if you know the font shown above, flip us the answer for your chance to win one Helvetica of a prize: Your own copy of Simon Garfield's Just My Type. This wonderful book presents an entertaining history of fonts. It explains how and why certain fonts can elicit emotions or gut-instinct reactions. It's filled with humour and historical anecdotes. Think you know? Email us at sales@hoknik.com. LET THERE BE BAD LIGHTING And there was. Das Krome A lovely low voltage chrome Sputnik pendant fixture Sputnik Chandelier Gino Sarfatti Arteluce early 1950s Zanadoo 12L Iron Chandelier in antique brass

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