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Professionals Secured by Real Property Alignment of Interest Benchmarked Return 100% of Capital Invested RESP TFSA SRSP Independent Board of Directors Active Management Capital Preservation Independent Lending Review Committee Consistent Performance Investor Focused Conservative Portfolio 8.0% Hurdle Rate Full Transparency Unparalleled Underwriting Passive Investment Monthly Redemptions Preferred Shares Pooled Money Investment $1.5M Invested by Principals IPP Monthly DRIP Diversified M-2 Risk Rating Tax Free Pass Through Of Income LIRA LIF LRIF 9.0% IRR Since Inception Strong Corporate Governance RSP RDSP $0 Losses Offering Memorandum RRIF Chartered Business Valuators Syndication Short-Term Mortgages Satisfied Investors Finance and Real Estate Experience RRSP Online Account Access Equity Based Lending Low Volatility Chartered Accountants Investment Fund Strategy Asset Allocation Prudent Lending Designated Management Mortgage Investment Corporation Debt Free A lternati v e Re a l E st at e I n ve st me n t Net Asset Value Low LTV Secured by Real Estate Turnover Repayment Investment Fund Manager Third Party Appraisal Portfolio Manager Hands-On Management Quarterly Reporting Fiscal 2012 IRR 8.9% Rigorous Review Financial Statements Graduated Approvals Geographical Compounding Value Added Professional Management Track Record Financial Highlights 51% Loan To Value Regulatory Framework Lawyer: McLeod Law Fund Performance Class A Preferred Shares Monthly Distributions Trustee: CWT Due Diligence Transparent Annual Report Growing Assets Fiscal 2010 IRR 10.1% Accountable Exit Strategy RRSP Eligible Auditor: KPMG Class B Preferred Shares Construction Financing Western Canada Risk Management Fiscal 2013 IRR 8.9% Bridge Financing Customized Financing Trustee: Olympia Internal Rate of Return No Subscription Fees Fiscal 2011 IRR 9.3% Interest Income Private Lending KV Advantage ANNUAL REPORT FISCAL 2013