
2017 WOW! Factor Product Guide

Issue link: http://e-delivery.uberflip.com/i/770883

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To find out how your business could benefit from The Robin Hood Association, please contact us at (780) 467-7140 (ext 253) "I am very good at labelling and folding boxes. I work 5 days a week and have been here for 23 years! My favourite cake is the Chocolate Caramel cake! My favourite event is when we celebrate birthdays with my friends at WOW!" ~Rob McRorie "My favourite dessert is Chocolate Caramel Cake! My favourite thing to do at WOW! is to put the labels on all of the boxes!" ~Heather Dawson "I love cheesecake and my favourite flavour is one with coffee. I like working here because all my friends are here. I like where I sit because I get to listen to country music." ~Russell Budd Russell Budd, Robin Hood Employee with WFD for 21 Years Rob McRorie, Robin Hood Employee with WFD for 23 Years Heather Dawson, Robin Hood Employee with WFD for 20 Years robinhoodassoc.com The ROBIN HOOD ASSOCIATION has been collaborating for 25 years with WOW! Factor Desserts, fulfilling needs within the factory and, in turn, enriching the lives of many individuals seeking meaningful employment. We salute this hard-working, dedicated team! OF HOME-MADE RECIPES, HAND-MADE DESSERTS!

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